Predicta Med is a healthcare technology company that provides a proprietary decision support platform for early identification and guideline-based intervention recommendation for patients with undiagnosed immune-related diseases. The platform utilizes machine learning to predict a patient's risk of having an undiagnosed immune- related condition and provides guideline-based recommendations for intervention.
Tuval 40, 10th floor, Ramat Gan
Company's Solutions
Predicta Med's platform aims to improve the quality of care for patients with immune-related conditions and reduce healthcare costs by enabling providers to detect these diseases months to years earlier than the current standard of care. The platform facilitates identification of individuals with undiagnosed immune-related conditions, enabling targeted interventions earlier in disease course to help prevent disease deterioration and complications. To date, the models were trained and validated on more than 6.5M electronical patients records and 1.7M claims records.
Prominent Case Study
Predicta Med conducted several studies with leading institutions such as Maccabi, the second largest Israeli HMO, and Mayo Clinic platform.
The company is conducting additional studies these days with Hoag hospital, Stanford and Cedars Sinai.