NanoVation-GS is an Israeli med-tech startup, developing innovative nano-sensor based solutions for breathing and lung function monitoring. Our aim is to improve disease management and to reduce medical and financial burden related to various chronic respiratory diseases by early detection of upcoming exacerbation. Our current focus is on COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
Masha Schuster
Khuri 2, Haifa 3304508 Israel
Our Representatives
Company's Solutions
NanoVation-GS's relevant solution is SenseGuard™ - a novel medical device designed to monitor lung function and tidal breathing parameters in order to manage various chronic respiratory diseases. Our current focus is on COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
SenseGuard™ is a wearable, non-invasive, and simple-to-use device that is designed for periodic self-monitoring both in the hospital and at home and a smooth transition between them.
It is based on highly sensitive nano-sensors that allow better visibility of the patient's respiratory and lung function.
Thanks to its proprietary sensors and algorithms, SenseGuard helps objectively assess a patient's respiratory condition by tracking trends and changes in breathing patterns, evaluating the effectiveness of ongoing treatment, identifying pending exacerbations before they reach an acute stage, and generating alerts.
Using SenseGuard allows for timely decisions on managing the disease most efficiently, reducing the medical and financial burdens that healthcare providers and insurers carry and the number of days that patients with chronic respiratory conditions spend in the hospital. It helps lessen patients' suffering, enhance the value and quality of their care, and improve their safety, quality of life, and life expectancy.
Prominent Case Study
Our system, SenseGuard™, was created to enhance disease management and lower the possibility of acute COPD exacerbations.
One of the frequent use-case situations for SenseGuard is when COPD patients are remotely monitored at home and healthcare professionals are alerted of a condition change that might be an impending exacerbation. In order to validate this use case, we carried out a multicenter study that involved more than 50 COPD patients with a significant risk of exacerbation.
The study showed that our product, SenseGuard, is a useful tool for tracking patients' respiratory health since it is good at seeing trends of respiratory condition deterioration, stability, and improvement. The study also demonstrated that SenseGuard can notify users of an impending exacerbation days before it gets serious and necessitates hospitalization.
In addition, the study confirmed that SenseGuard is well accepted by its users and performs well in terms of usability, simplicity of use, and self-usage.