Inovytec addresses the critical moments of care, from the first minutes after a medical event to patient transfers and stabilization in hospitals. We aim to strengthen the healthcare continuum by extending hospital-level capabilities and improving outcomes in routine and emergency medical events. The company was founded in 2011.
Inna Ashkenazi
5 HaTidhar st. Industrial Zone, Ra'anana 4366507. Isreal
Company's Solutions
Inovytec's products address the critical moments of care, from the first minutes after a medical event to patient transfers and stabilization in hospitals.
The Ventway Sparrow transport and emergency ventilators are designed for mobility, high performance, and ease of use.
It weighs only ~1 kilogram (2.2 pounds) and allows for both invasive and non-invasive ventilation for patients weighing above 5 kg. A built-in turbine removes the dependency on external oxygen supply and serves as a cooling system, while a quick start mode among others allows ventilation to start with three clicks in five seconds. An internal battery provides up to 4 hours of operation.
The three Ventway Sparrow models are designed to meet their designated segments of Emergency Services ambulance and air-ambulances standards and in-hospital settings with MRI compatibility for any transport patients from ICU and ED to imagine testing, surgeries, and recovery rooms and between hospitals, and a Military MIL-STD model.
LUBO™ can open the upper airway during non-invasive ventilation, CPR, and first-line trauma. Each product aims to strengthen the healthcare continuum by extending hospital-level capabilities and improving routine and emergency medical events outcomes.
SALI creates a virtual hospital environment in the field and allows for stand-by to act as first responders during critical emergencies from first-aid to resuscitation with online communication to a remote medical center.
Prominent Case Study
The Ventway Sparrow EMS Ventilator, adopted by Israel's national emergency service, Magen David Adom (MDA) has proven to be a reliable tool for MDA’s everyday use and significantly impacted emergency medical care. The Ultra-Portable Turbine Ventilator has been used daily in approximately 3000 patients across 350 ambulances (ground and air), highlighting its critical role in providing life-saving care to patients.