AGAVI patented innovative filter technology that disinfects indoor air, 99.99% effectiveness indoor air, Elimination of bacteria, bacteria and virus allergens (ARS-CoV-19 and influenza A).
Suitable for all air conditioning (CE) systems.
The AGAVI filter replaces the old filters with a new technique based on destruction rather than filtering.
Avigyl Anavi
Bait Vegan 99
Company's Solutions
AGAVI company has developed a unique patent for a filter capable of destroying bacteria and viruses in the air space that feed on the air conditioning system.
AGAVI filter is a new and unique product that provides solutions for polluted air,
AGAVI patented innovative filter technology that disinfects indoor air, 99.99% effectiveness indoor air,
Elimination of bacteria, bacteria and virus allergens (ARS-CoV-19 and influenza A).
Suitable for all air conditioning (CE) systems.
The AGAVI filter replaces the old filters with a new technique based on destruction rather than filtering.
In ducts of the HVCA grow bacteria and viruses and fungi which are the cause of death from acquired infections,
Also particles cause allergic, by using AGAVI FILTER WHO IS ELMINTED bacteria and viruses and other particles, we care to comprehensive air quality solution, in homes, hospitals, schools, businesses, hotels, restaurants, buses, and nursing homes .
AGAVI FILRER designed for easy replacement.
Prominent Case Study
Clinical research on my filter in lab and hospital