VITALERTER is a successful digital healthcare company from Israel, which has designed a cost effective contactless remote health monitoring and care management solutions for healthcare institutions and home care settings.
Company's Solutions
VITALERTER introduces a ALL-in-One solution, Vitals, combining vital signs sensor and bed exit / fall prevention sensor using Ballistocardiography (BCG) sensing technology to detect small vibrations such as heart beat, breathing and body motion. The solution’s AI and deep learning features can auto-calibrate sensitivity to ensure accuracy so as to eliminate false alarms.
- Heart rate
- Respiration rate
- Heart rate variability
- Stroke volume
- Movement level
- Bed occupancy
If any of these signals is out of the normal range, or if the sensor indicates the person in bed is getting off the bed, an alert will be sent directly to the people in charge through smart phones, tablets or the solution’s dashboard. Data captured by the system is uploaded to secured cloud allows the management to review care history for better analysis. Each sensor can be personalized based on different conditions of the individuals in care. Route alert can be set to remind caregivers about tasks such as turning a bed-bound person to prevent pressure ulcers.
- Fall Prevention
- Pressure Ulcers Prevention
- Irregular Breathing Trend Monitoring
- Heart-rate Trend Deterioration Monitoring
- Helps caregivers prioritize tasks, with alerts, reminders and operation reports
- Timely and better care with real-time monitoring, proactive alerts and response system
- Predicts and prevents adverse events by monitoring vital signs trends, body motion and presence in bed of those in care
- Wi-Fi connection allows data upload to secure cloud and patients’ condition can be reviewed through user-friendly dashboard or reports for better analysis
- Enables careers to digitally report, record, manage and plan their daily duties
- Plug-and-play seamless set up with low maintenance cost
More than 10,000 VITALS sensors are installed worldwide in 150+ hospitals, nursing homes, skilled nursing facilities, assisted living facilities, rehabilitation and post-acute clinics.
Initial evidence shows that while increasing staff’s satisfaction by up to 90%, our solution helped to reduce fall incidents by 68%, pressure injuries by up to 83% and hospital readmissions by up to 40%.
Vitalerter has recently developed a bio-sensor in a plaster form factor and placed with an adhesive on the body of the patient
The BIO PATCH is connected to VITALERTER app and monitors 24/7 patients’ core body temperature, SPo2, HR and inform on current body posture and localization even when the patient is in motion and and alert on abnormal behaviours.
Prominent Case Study
Kellie Birkbeck - Wigan, Heathside Residential (WIGAN COUNCIL, UK)
We initially identified ten residents that we felt would benefit from being on the Vitalerter system for different reasons. We selected residents that met one or all of the following criteria: They were at a high risk of falls, had irregular heartbeats, at risk of pressure area breakdown or suffered from vacant episodes.
The key message is that the technology has stopped the need of hourly checks on residents throughout the night or when resting on their bed during the day. The equipment is more often than not accurate in predicting and alerting us if a resident is likely to get out of bed. The system informs us if someone has turned in bed and reduces the need to wake people up to do an intrusive turn as part of reducing the risks of pressure sores following an assessment. We have found that the residents that are at risk of skin integrity break down have had no issues in regards to breaks in skin, red areas or sores. This has meant less involvement for them from the district nurse team which in turn means less prescriptions being made for creams and dressings etc and less distress caused for the resident.
As a result of this, residents are experiencing a better night’s sleep due to not being disturbed unnecessarily and consequently they are having a much better day as they are not as tired.
With a combination of reduced observations and reduced turns this gives more opportunity to support people who do not sleep during the night, these residents are benefitting from more one-to-one time with staff at a time when they are possibly more at risk of falls due to being tired.
The system is able to run reports on individuals sleep patterns which gives us additional insights into residents that appear unwell or not their usual self. By doing this it means that we are not requesting unnecessary G.P visits and in the long term it is hoped it can be used when reviewing sleep medication.
The system monitors individuals’ respiratory rates and heart rates and we recently took advantage of this when an individual was presenting as poorly during the day. We were able to support him back to bed and utilise vital-signs monitoring prior to the G.P visit. It meant that this gentleman was able to be made comfortable whilst remaining in a safe environment that was accurately monitored without placing him in any danger.
To provide a comparative analysis of the data from falls for the ten residents that are currently on the Vitalerter system we have taken data from the six months before installation to the present date.
In the six months prior to the system being installed the residents had a total of 15 falls.
After installation, over a six-month period we have had a total of 5 falls giving us a total reduction of 10 falls across the ten residents.
This can be calculated as a 66% reduction in falls for the period. A sample of 6 residents on pressure turn alerts saw an average reduction of 14.7 turns in total per evening (2.45 per resident).
Across a six-month period (182 days), this would equate to a total reduction of 2675 unnecessary turns for the six residents.